Two weeks Post Operation from my Smart Lipo Procedure

“Feeling Awesome!”

Today Is 2 weeks since I had my Smart Lipo procedure on my abdomen and lower back. I am feeling great and looking great in my jeans too! I am still wearing my garment 24 hours a day except for when I am in the shower. I plan on keep wearing the garment all day until my follow up appointment on Monday.

Thinking back of the last two weeks I would have to say, it’s not what I expected, but I had never had surgery before so I truly did not know what to expect. Day 5 and day 6 were my hardest days, only because those were the days I went back to work and had the most swelling. I don’t think you need to take extra days off work to recover from this procedure, but definitely do not wear blue jeans or anything with a button. For the first two weeks I encourage you to wear maxi skirts or your fat girl pants. I know every woman has a pair of them. Put on your gym clothes if you need to, just wear elastic band pants!

Not everyone will experience this, but the itchiness at the incision sights was sometimes so unbearable. Some nights I would take Benadryl and rub a cortisone cream on my belly and back to ease the itchiness. One night nothing was helping so I even used an ice pack to help. They say the itchiness is a good sign of healing and not to scratch. They are crazy! The other night I scratched one of my scabs off the incision and made it bleed. I put pressure on the incision and then put a bunch of Bacitracin ointment and a band aid over that. All my incisions are healing nicely. I continued to use the rest of my Hibiclense to wash my abdomen and back and then place Bacitracin ointment over the incisions sites every night. Remember to only take showers and not baths while your incision sites are healing. You would hate to end up with an infection.

My stomach feels lumpy and firm to the touch. This is very normal and with time will get better. My husband is a little wierded out by this and is afraid to touch me at times. I keep telling him that my belly will get better, probably over the next few months. It does hurt if you squeeze me to tight or if one of the kids tries to sit on me. My poor little 10 month old was snuggling with me and then stepped right onto the side of my belly. I reacted so quickly and pushed if off me with a loud yelp. He started crying, probably so confused why his mommy would do such a thing. It hurt so bad, but I grabbed him and hugged him, telling him I was sorry. My poor baby wasn’t hurt, but I felt so bad. I now put a small pillow between him and I when we are laying down together.

My follow up appointment is this Monday.  Please check back then and I will share  some new pictures of my new tummy!